
Oriental mistletoe plant morphology

Plant morphology

Tumor mistletoe

Parasitic shrubs. Branches cylindrical, 2-branched branches or opposite, grayish brown when dry, with fine vertical stripes, section expansion. Leaves opposite, obovate or oblong, 3–8.5 cm long, 1–3 cm wide, apex rounded, base attenuate, veins 3 or 5, petiole short or absent. Inflorescences axillary, usually 1 to 3 tufted, with 1 to 3 flowers per inflorescence; bracts short triangular, each grouped together to form a cup-shaped cup; female corolla tube is shortly cylindrical or elliptic, lobes 4 , rarely three, short triangles; male flowers about half the length of female flowers, usually flat, corolla lobes with female flowers; stamens without filaments, anthers born on corolla lobes. The berries are nearly spherical or ovate, about 5 mm long. When ripe, yellow, young fruit and near-heating fruit have small tumors, and finally smooth. Flowering from January to March. Autumn and winter fruit.

Often parasitic on citrus plants and persimmon trees. Distribution of Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places.

[collection] can be adopted throughout the year. Cut short to dry.

[Resource distribution] Distribution Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places.

【Certificate of ancient books】 comes from "Science and Health Preparedness".

【Tropism of taste】Bitter, symplectic, cool 1 "Synthetic Herbal Preparation": "Sweet and sexual." 2 "Nanning Medicine Journal": "Bitter, cool, non-toxic." Enter the lungs, spleen, Three liver classics.

【Function Indications】 Qufeng, cough, heat and detoxification. Treatment rheumatism foot swelling, cough, measles, bad eyes.

1 "Preparation of Herbal Medicine": "Treatment of rheumatism, swollen feet, and toothache with hot water."

2 "Bencao Qiu Yuan": "wash the wind string wet eyes."

3 "Lingnan herbs collection record": "The measles Jianshui behalf of tea can detoxify and relieve pain."

4 "Nanning Medicine Chronicles": "Detoxification, detoxification, and new health. Oral administration of measles and treatment of hemp after the profit."

5 "Guangxi Medicinal Plants List": "Clear heat, nourishment, relieving cough, relieving pain, resolving phlegm. Curing dysentery, hoarding."

【Usage and Dosage】 Oral: Jiantang, 3 ~ 5 money. External use: Jianshui wash or rinse.

3 raw medicinal materials

Character identification with leaves and stems cylindrical, 2-3 fork branches, length 20-30cm, diameter 3-4mm, lower branches up to 1cm, with fine longitudinal lines and ribs, joints slightly enlarged, internode length 1-3cm, dark brown or brown surface, smooth and hairless. Hard and brittle, the fracture surface is not flat, the skin is brown, the wood is yellow-white, and the pith is brown. Leaves more broken or curly, full leaves ovate, obovate to form oblong, 3-5cm long, 1.5-3.5cm wide, apex obtuse or obtuse, base sessile, base vein 3-, above Slightly noticeable, the surface is dark brown or tan, hairless, and finely wrinkled. Leather quality. Petiole short. Fruit nearly spherical, 2-4mm in diameter, with a small tumor. Gas slightly, tasteless.

Standard Herbal Extract

Vine Tea Extract,Bearberry Extract,Artemisia Annua Extract

Standard Herbal Extract Co., Ltd. , http://www.chaoshenbao.com

