
Some points of attention when fertilizing vegetables

Fertilization is the premise to ensure the normal growth of vegetables. If it is improperly applied, it will cause the growth of vegetables to stagnate, and even cause the death of vegetables. Some fertilizers will also cause residues and cause harm to the human body. The following describes the fertilization note points:

1. Do not apply ammonium nitrate to leafy vegetables

Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, leeks, hollow beans, celery, cabbage, etc., can easily absorb nitric acid nitrogen fertilizer during growth, such as the application of ammonium nitrate, leaf vegetable vegetables are absorbed nitrate ions, nitrate ions after human consumption Will enter the human body, human volume poisoning.

Second, vegetables do not water after applying urea

The nitrogen component contained in urea is amido-ammonium nitrogen, and the amido-ammonium nitrogen is converted into ammonium carbonate or ammonium bicarbonate by the action of urease secreted by soil microorganisms before it can be absorbed and used by vegetable roots. If the urea is watered immediately after it is applied or rain is encountered, the ammonium nitrate will be lost. Therefore, regardless of whether the basal fertilizer or top dressing of vegetables, urea should be 5 to 6 days after application, so that all the conversion and then watering, so as to avoid loss.

Third, vegetables do not repeatedly apply ammonium sulfate

In an acidic or calcareous vegetable field, if ammonium sulfate is applied multiple times in succession, the soil will become more acidic and the calcareous soil will be hardened, resulting in poor growth and development of the vegetables, and the quality and yield will be reduced. Economic benefits.

Fourth, do not use ammonium bicarbonate in water shortage in vegetable fields

Ammonium bicarbonate is extremely unstable in its chemical properties and is easily volatile. When applying ammonium bicarbonate in vegetable fields, regardless of whether it is used as a base fertilizer or as a top dressing, deep application should be carried out in the case of wet vegetable fields, and the soil should be covered immediately after application. If the weather is dry and non-application of ammonium bicarbonate is not possible, water can be poured or watered.

Fifth, leafy vegetables do not spray high concentrations of nitrogen fertilizer

If the vegetable foliar application of urea, ammonium sulfate, etc., although leaf vegetable fat to make the color green, the color is good, but the content of harmful salts in green leafy vegetables will significantly increase, thereby affecting the health of consumers.

Six, greenhouse vegetables do not use high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen fertilizer

Due to the high temperature and high humidity in the greenhouse, high-concentration ammonium nitrogen fertilizers are easily decomposed under the action of soil enzymes under suitable conditions of temperature and humidity, and finally converted into gaseous ammonia, which in turn causes vegetable ammonia poisoning and affects vegetables. The quality and output.

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