
Knife gate valve installation precautions

Knife Gate Valve was introduced into China in the 1980s. Such products have gradually infiltrated into the food and hygiene industries from the initial construction and mining industries, and the Knife Gate Valve itself is constantly being improved. However, if you want to play the role of knife Gate valve best use of the effect, not only rely on the knife valve itself advantages, its external factors are also very important, such as knife valve installation, then the knife valve installation process is like this? Knife gate valve installation considerations what? Knife Gate Valve Installation Notes 1, the user before installing the valve, you must proof the valve model, connection size and pay attention to the flow of media to ensure consistency with the requirements of the valve; 2, knife gate valve before installation to check the valve cavity and sealing surface and other parts, Not allowed to have dirt or grit attached; 3, the wiring of the drive device shall be carried out according to the wiring diagram; 4, the bolts on the connection parts, require uniform tightening; 5, check the packing parts require compression, not only to ensure the packing seal, 7, the knife valve must be regularly maintained, not free to impact and squeeze, so as not to affect the seal. With the continuous development of the knife gate valve industry, its use has become more and more convenient, but what kind of basic work also requires our careful and responsible preparation, perhaps the knife valve is also a lion, if it really annoys it is angry, can be foreseen The consequences can be serious. Although the knife valve installation is more complicated, but these seem responsible work is essential, its significance. This article is copyrighted industry interconnect (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. All are welcome to reprint, please indicate the source and author of: Valves Asia Network (CEO QQ / micro letter: 18,189,528) Editor: Coco (QQ / micro-channel: 97,129,096) starting: http : //fm.liuti.cn/ (Service Hotline:)

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