
Air source heat pump technology details

Air source heat pump technology is based on the reverse Carnot cycle principle to establish an energy saving, environmental heating technology. Air source heat pump system through the natural energy (air heat storage) access to low-temperature heat source, the system after high-temperature heat integration into a high-temperature heat source, used to take (warm) or supply hot water, the entire system heat collection efficiency is very high.
Heat pump has four major advantages, the first is energy saving, is conducive to the comprehensive utilization of energy, the second is conducive to environmental protection, the third is the combination of hot and cold, high equipment utilization, save investment, fourth because it is electricity Driven, so it is more convenient regulation, heat pump so much everyone's concern.

As an energy technology in the 21st century, heat pump technology can increase energy efficiency through heat pump. There are two meanings of energy efficiency. From an environmental point of view, it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce environmental damage The factor, on the other hand, is a technology that solves the problem of electricity overhead.

Heat pump products are solar products?

From the working principle, does not belong to the traditional solar energy products. Heat pump products and conventional solar products vary greatly, conventional solar products use water as the medium, you must rely on direct sunlight or radiation to achieve the heating effect, and products, the use of refrigerants to absorb air heat and solar radiation, and through Compressor heating and heat after compressed heat to achieve the heating effect, so the same principle of products and air conditioning.

What is the working principle of heat pump products?

Products with refrigerant as a medium, the refrigerant vaporization temperature is low, can be vaporized at -40 ℃, so there is a temperature difference with the outside world, the refrigerant absorbs the outside temperature after vaporization, compressor compression heating, high temperature After the high-pressure gas exchanges heat with the water through the heat exchanger, the pressure is released by the expansion valve to return to the low-temperature and low-pressure liquefied state, and the water in the water tank is heated by the continuous circulation of the refrigerant and exchange of heat with the water.

Heat pump products need electricity?

Be sure to use electricity, compressors use electrical energy to compress the heat, not directly heated, air-source heat pump and fan, also need electricity, but less power consumption.

What are the characteristics of heat pump products?

1, from the environment, available throughout the year;

2, outstanding energy-saving, short payback period;

3, environmentally friendly products, without any pollution;

4, long service life, low operating costs;

5, safe operation, no one operation;

6, modular design, easy installation.

What are the advantages of heat pumps compared to conventional solar products?

1, a wide range of applications, product temperature range of -10-40 ℃, and all-weather use throughout the year, from the Yin, rain, snow and other adverse weather and winter night, can be used normally.

2, continuous heating, compared with the traditional solar water storage, heat pump products can be continuously heated, continuous supply of hot water to meet user needs.

3, low operating costs: Compared with conventional solar energy, the spring, summer and autumn when the sun is better, the operating costs higher than the solar energy, but in the rainy days and nights, the thermal efficiency is much higher than the solar electric auxiliary heating. On average throughout the year, the annual energy consumption of conventional solar-assisted systems is much higher than the annual total energy consumption of products.

4, easy to install: air source heat pump covers a small space, the shape and outdoor air conditioner similar, direct access to the heating tank or heating pipe network connection, suitable for high-rise buildings in large and medium-sized cities, for large central heating problems, products Is the best choice.

What are the advantages of heat pump products compared to boilers?

1, high thermal efficiency: the annual average thermal efficiency of products in more than 300%, while the thermal efficiency of the boiler will not exceed 100%.

2, low operating costs: Compared with the fuel, gas boiler, the annual average of 70% energy saving, coupled with lower electricity prices and fuel prices, the advantages of low operating costs have become increasingly prominent.

3, environmental protection: heat pump products without any emissions, the refrigerant used in environmental protection refrigerant R417A, zero pollution of the ozone layer, is a better environment-friendly products.

4, safe operation, no duty on duty: Compared with the fuel boiler, the operation is absolutely safe, and fully automatic control, without staffing, saving staff costs.

5, modular installation, easy to add equipment: the product uses multiple units parallel installation mode, when the user increased water consumption, ready to add equipment.

What are the disadvantages of heat pump products compared with the boiler?

1, the heating speed is slow: heat pump products are based on refrigerant, compressor compression heating, compared with the boiler direct heating mode, the speed is relatively slow.

2, one-time investment big: And fuel, gas boiler ratio, when the water consumption is greater than 10 tons, one-time investment is greater than the boiler, the greater the amount of water, the greater the relative input products.

3, heating water temperature is limited: heat pump water temperature is generally 60 ℃ (water source heat pump up to 80 ℃), can not produce more than 80 ℃ high temperature water or steam.

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