
Centrifugal pump operating point and flow adjustment

First, the pipeline characteristics curve

When the centrifugal pump is installed in a particular piping system, the flow rate and head pressure that the pump should provide should be dependent on the piping requirements. The relationship between the required pressure head and the flow curve of the pipeline is called the pipeline characteristic curve, and the equation is expressed as follows: He = A + BQe2

Second, the centrifugal pump work point

When the pump is installed in a certain pipeline system, the intersection of pump characteristic curve and pipeline and curve is the working point of pump. The flow and indenter shown at the working point are both the flow and indenter provided by the pump and the flow and indenter required for the line. Centrifugal pump only work at the work point, the flow in the tube can be stable. Pump operating point to pump the most efficient area is appropriate.

Third, the centrifugal pump flow regulation

For a pump, the characteristic curve does not change, while the pipeline characteristic curve is variable. When the pump operating point provides the flow can not meet the new conditions required flow, that is, should try to change the location of the pump operating point, that is, the need for flow control.

Flow regulation methods are:

(1) Install a control valve on the outlet pipe of the centrifugal pump to change the valve opening, that is, change the value of B in the piping characteristic curve He = A + BQe2, the valve opens large and the working point moves away from the vertical axis; Point near the vertical axis.

The advantage of this method of adjustment is that it is easy and flexible to operate. The disadvantage is that the valve is closed hours, the pipeline resistance increases, the energy loss increases, so that the pump can not work in the most efficient area is not economical. With the method of changing the valve opening to adjust the flow and more used in the flow rate adjustment is not, and often need to adjust the occasion.

(2) change the pump speed, that is, change the pump characteristic curve.

(3) turning impeller diameter also change the pump characteristic curve. Using the above two methods can change my curve of the pump. With these methods to regulate the flow rate within a certain range to ensure that the pump work in a high efficiency area, energy utilization more economical, but not convenient, the flow adjustment range is not large, so the application is not widespread.

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