
Old cars cannot be used to replace special oils

Recently, in the rural villages and villages group, it was discovered that some specialized agricultural machinery transporters believe that the locomotives operating on the road for five or six years are "old and old, and that the capital is running out quickly." The use of oil can be sloppy. From the point of cost reduction, arbitrarily replace the special oil. They do not know that this will only accelerate the shortening of the service life of agricultural locomotives and will not be worth the candle. The so-called oil for agricultural transport locomotives refers to the oil that is designated according to national regulations, which is used exclusively for fuel oil, gasoline, lubrication oil for moving parts, and lubrication oil for gear tooth surfaces. Can only be used in accordance with the national standard, can not be "disorderly." Here, we especially remind farmers that: Instead of using diesel oil instead of kerosene. Everyone knows that the engine is the heart of a motor vehicle. Care must be taken. In order to prolong the service life of the locomotives, it is necessary to select the appropriate number of diesel fuel for use in order to increase efficiency and income. If kerosene is used, its flammability is poor, causing the engine to have insufficient working horsepower and vibration. Also, the viscosity of kerosene is lower than that of diesel oil, and it easily leaks, diluting the oil in the oil pump housing and in the oil pan, lowering the lubricating performance of the oil, and accelerating the damage of precision parts and related moving parts. In addition, using kerosene as a fuel, it consumes more fuel than diesel, there is no sufficient diesel to burn, poor performance and low power make the locomotive unable to work properly. Can not use edible oil instead of special oil. In order to make the various parts of the engine friction surface, can be fully lubricated, increase the sealing performance, we must use a certain viscosity of the oil according to the national standard to enhance lubrication. Reducing wear, increasing horsepower, and saving fuel. The viscosity of edible oil is far inferior to the viscosity of oil, which does not meet the requirements of lubrication to reduce wear. For crankshafts, bearings, piston rings, cylinder liners and other moving parts, good lubrication is not achieved. Not conducive to lubrication between moving parts, easily lead to cracking cylinders, burning tiles and other accidents. Can not replace the special gear oil with waste engine oil. The viscosity of the waste oil is much smaller than that of the gear oil and does not serve to lubricate the gear surface. It not only has poor lubricity, but also contains acidic compounds that have a strong corrosive effect. It can cause three kinds of wear, such as adhesive wear, corrosion wear, and abrasive wear, which will promote the friction coefficient, which will inevitably affect the locomotive's dynamic performance and effective service life.

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