
Greenhouse nectarine thinning and fruit thinning technology

Sparse fruit thinning is an important measure to improve the fruit setting rate and fruit quality of nectarine in greenhouses, especially the nectarine trees under the conditions of cultivation. The flowering period is often affected by factors such as temperature, humidity, light, and pollination, and fruit setting is unstable. Therefore, the thinning and fruit thinning of nectarines in greenhouses should be based on the principle of “light sparse flowering and heavy fruit thinning”.

First, the sparse flowering time is best in the bud period. When the amount of flower buds is large, most flower buds and long-medium fruiting branches on thin and thin branches can be sparsed, and the longer double flower buds and the late flowering buds with poor development can be removed.

Second, the fruit sparse saying: "see tree production, branch burden, even fruit," only scientific and rational fruit thinning, in order to reduce nutrient consumption, improve the fruit setting rate and peach quality.

1, fruit thinning period. The fruit peeling is generally performed twice. The first time after 3-4 weeks after flowering, the nectarine was made like apricot kernel size. Can not be early sparse, early sparse easy to identify the size of the fruit and whether it is really fertilized fruit, easily lead to reduced production; sparse too late, peach fruit, waste of nutrients. The second fruit-shredding is the fixing of the fruit, which is carried out after the hard-core period of nectarine, and will dredge the overloaded fruit.

2, leaving fruit amount. The amount of fruit left should be determined according to the fruit setting rate, peach size, tree vigor, and tree size of nectarine varieties. Generally, 4 to 6 fruit branches are left, 3 to 4 fruits are left in the middle fruit branch, and 1 to 2 fruit are left in the short fruit branch. The fruit branch of the bouquet leaves 1 fruit or leaves no fruit, and the extension branch leaves few fruit. Stay too little, the fruit is big, but the yield is too low and the benefit is not good.

3, fruit thinning method. It should be based on the principle of "reserving excellence and reducing the inferiority." Peach fruit on the same branch spacing of about 10-15 cm. When thinning fruit, it is necessary to remove the deformed fruit, small fruit, disease and fruit first, then leave fruits according to the load rationally, leave more leaf fruits, and sparsely leaf fruit; leave lateral and lower fruit, and reconcile the fruit; Branches, weak branches. The order of fruit shrubs should be from the inside to the outside, and from top to bottom, branch by branch, in order to prevent leakage or damage the fruit.

(Triangular leaf Coptis) Ranunculaceae, Coptis. Rhizome yellow, internodes obvious, mostly densely rooted, with transverse stolons. Leaves 3-11; leaf blade ovate, slightly leathery; petiole glabrous. Scapes yellow-green, narrowly ovate, apical apex; petals nearly lanceolate, apex acuminate, Middle slightly widened, with honey groove; stamens long only about 1/2 of the petals; anthers yellow, filaments narrowly linear; style slightly curved. Oval oblong, carpels stalked puberulent. March-April flowering, April-June results. Specialty Chongqing pillars yellow water. Health elevation of 1600-2200 meters between the mountain forest, often cultivated, wild rare. Rhizome is a famous traditional Chinese medicine ("Coptis"), with berberine, Coptidis base, Coptis base, tetrandrine and other alkaloids, can cure acute conjunctivitis, acute bacillary dysentery, acute gastroenteritis, hematemesis, Embolism.

Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

Plant Triangular Leaves Coptis

Chongqing Taisun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. , https://www.taisuncoptis.com

