
Monkey's habits

There are many species of monkeys, including monkeys, lorises, spider monkeys, apes, langurs, red-faced monkeys, apes, hawthorns, golden monkeys, and black-leaved monkeys. The macaques live in tropical forests in Asia and Africa, but also produce monkeys in Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Zhejiang. Most of them live in the dense forest near the river. They live on the camp and live in groups. Apart from the face, the ear, the palms, the palms, and the arms, the macaques all have yellow fine hairs. The two eyes are facing forward. The two nostrils are very Close to. Rhesus monkeys can hold their hands and feet. This is compatible with the life of climbing and jumping in the trees. After walking down the ground, they often use their limbs to walk. Sometimes they can walk upright with their hind legs. The shape and number of teeth are similar to humans. Eat fruit and seeds, but also eat eggs and insects, a bursa on both sides of the buccal cheeks, eat food imported cavity, if it is too late to chew, they are temporarily stored in the cheek pouch, leaving to be chewed again when idle, The macaque's brain is well-developed. The brain is not only bulky, it covers other parts of the brain, and it has many pits on the surface. Therefore, the surface area of ​​the brain is greatly increased. Because of the developed brain, the macaques have complex behaviors and strong memory and imitation. The circus often trains monkeys to perform various actions. Monkeys are primates. Many movements are similar to human movements. Intelligence is second only to humans and apes. Its brain structure is also very similar to humans. There are more than 100 kinds of monkeys. The world’s smallest monkey lives in Ecuador, Brazil and Peru, called “倭狨”. The monkey has only 30 centimeters, including the tail, and the tail takes up half. They eat flies, mosquitoes, spiders, and moths. They are also called insectivorous monkeys. The world’s largest monkey is a cricket of Africa, standing 90 centimeters to one meter high and weighing over 50 kilograms. The most precious monkey in the world is China's golden monkey. It has a blue face and a blue nose. Its nostrils are in the sky and its shoulders are covered with golden hair. The wild monkeys like to live in groups. A strong male monkey serves as the "monkey king" and leads the whole group. Other male monkeys are guardians and defend the mother monkey and the monkey. When searching for food and drinking water, Rugao acts collectively and is made up of the strongest and most brave male monkeys. In the event of a lion or other predator, the "vanguard" rushed to fight, and the crickets around the tree shouted together to help Zhuangwei. Emeishan’s monkeys also “blocked roads” to make visitors laugh and laugh. After training, monkeys can play monkeys, perform acrobatics, and help people do things. Monkeys trained in Malaysia can climb coconut trees over 20 meters high and pick coconuts. A monkey can pick up more than 1,000 a day. English-trained monkeys can ride a dog to get sheep. Japanese veterinarians use monkeys as assistants to help doctors to open animals. Americans train monkeys as nannies for quadriplegic people.

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