
Petrochemical special pump domestic and foreign product performance design pros and cons

Petrochemical pump International petrochemical pump factory mainly Switzerland Sulzer company, Japan Ebara company, Germany KSB company, the United States Gaussian company. Petrochemical pump development is the direction of large-scale, high-speed, mechatronics, pump product package, standardization, serialization and generalization; variety, performance, long life and high reliability; pump seal, bearing the production of large Technology and specialization; in particular, high temperature, low temperature and cryogenic pumps, high-speed pumps, precision metering pumps, corrosion-resistant pumps, viscous media and transport medium with solid particles pump, and shield pump technology has developed rapidly.

Compared with foreign countries, China's petrochemical pump in the design theory, design methods are relatively backward, product development and more use of imitation and analog methods, the lack of theoretical basis and experimental research data; processing equipment and technology is relatively backward, the processing accuracy is low, Low production efficiency; product serialization and generalization is not high, less variety of specifications; pump efficiency, quality and reliability, sealing performance, corrosion resistance and so there is a big gap. At present, China's petrochemical pump there are many dependent on imports.

Rock Drill is a tool used to directly extract stone. It drilled holes in the rock so that explosives could be used to break up the rock, allowing it to complete quarrying and other quarries. In addition, the rock drill can also be used as a breaker to break hard layers such as concrete. According to its power source, the rock drill can be divided into four parts: Pneumatic Rock Drill, internal combustion rock drill, electric rock drill and hydraulic rock drill

Rock Drill

Rock Drill,Rock Drilling Equipment,Air Rock Drilling,Manual Rock Drill

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