
Pump model Daquan

Pumps are used to transport liquids or to pressurize fluids, which deliver mechanical energy or other external energy from the prime mover to the fluid, allowing the fluid to gain energy. Pumps can transport liquid water, emulsion, liquid metal, oil and so on. In recent years, the pump model has gradually been the public's attention, followed by the pump model Daquan make a preliminary summary. Pump model Daquan 1, according to the level is divided into single-stage and complex level; 2, according to the inhalation form is divided into single suction and double suction; 3, according to the pump shaft direction can be divided into horizontal, vertical, inclined; 4, press Split shell type is divided into radial and axial subdivision type; 5, according to the form of the pump sub-center support type, pipe type, seat type, seat type, removable; 6, according to the axial The balance of force is divided into balanced drum, balanced disc, self-balanced and balanced hole; 7, according to the drive is divided into direct connection, gear transmission, hydraulic coupling transmission, ; 8, according to a special structure is divided into liquid type, cartridge, double-walled shell, pit cylinder, withdrawable, self-priming, submersible and shielded; through the above description of the pump model Daquan, we can Found that the pump model of the division of a wide range of diverse, it also contributed to the rich variety of pumps. Based on the above analysis, we can clearly understand the pump according to the series, inhalation form, the direction of the pump shaft, split shell, axial force balance, drive, special structure composed of a large family of diversified pumps.

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