
Rotary smashing mud pump anti-blocking energy-saving effect

In the production, operation and management work of Zhongyuan Oilfield No.2 Oil Production Plant, insisting on cost-saving as the chief task and intensifying cost control everywhere, not only ensured the normal production work but also controlled the input of production cost. According to the latest statistics last November ~ November, this unit saves production costs 2000000 yuan.
Self-reliance reduce costs

In the case of very tight production costs, waterflood brigade unanimity, and actively mobilize workers and self-reliance launched various types of large tanks and Wanfangchi clean-up, renovation work, cost savings of 495,000 yuan.

Pu a sewage all inclined plate settlement from the production date pipeline structure problems, the center with the water pipe and outlet pipelines can not be thoroughly cleaned, run for many years, scaling is very serious, poor water flow, handling capacity, easily lead to a booster Pump pressure, take the pot, a serious threat to the smooth operation of water injection work. In order to completely solve this problem, the brigade, after soliciting the opinions of the supervisor in charge at the higher level and relevant departments, formulated technical renovation and construction plans and cleaned up and rehabilitated the internal structure of Puyangchuan's five inclined-plate settlement tanks by their own efforts. The reconstruction project by the external unit construction, engineering maintenance costs at least 30,000 yuan per tank, 5 cans to save time will be 150,000 yuan. As of November 20, the waterflood brigade has successfully transformed Pu 1 #, 2 # and 3 # inclined plate settlement tank, the remaining two will be gradually transformed tank. In addition, since the beginning of this year, the brigade has also cleared a total of 49 inclined plate cans, filling tanks and buffer tanks, saving a total of 495,000 yuan in labor costs; .

Coordinate the management of lowering costs

In order to improve the water quality of the oilfield, the waterfighting brigade, in view of the fact that the filter media of the Pu-pollution and Pu-san-pollution pressure filter tank have failed, is coordinated by the end of the production cost is very tight, trying to find a replacement for Puyi sewage, Pressure filter tank part of the filter.

Pressure filter tank is the final process of purifying water quality in the sewage treatment process. Once the filter material in the tank fails, the water quality can not reach the standard. Pu a pressure filter tank filter has been used for 2 years, Pu three dirty filter media have been used for more than 1 year (according to the requirements of the filter should be replaced once a year), the filter has been seriously contaminated. In a very tight cost today, the brigade make full use of the old filter, from Pu Pu and Pu three pollution between the rational deployment, complement each other, replace themselves. From October till now, with the joint efforts of the two stations and the brigade authorities, some of the filter media of Puyi 3 Pressure Filter Tanks and Pu 3 Stains 4 Pressure Filter Tanks have been successfully replaced. After testing, the seven cans of water quality exports have been significantly improved, all water quality standards compliance. Next, the water brigade will be replaced Pu Pu 2 pressure filter tank part of the filter media. If the external construction unit to dry, replace the filter of a tank, at least spend 15,000 yuan, is expected to complete the replacement of 9 tank filter is completed, the cost savings of 135,000 yuan or more.
Technological innovation increase benefits

This year, waterflooding brigades actively conducted technological breakthroughs and mass technological innovations in response to various technical problems in the production process, promoted production and operation management, and enhanced economic efficiency.

Sewage Treatment Station Natural gas sealed oxygen is a necessary means of sewage treatment, mainly to reduce the oxygen content of the system, control the rate of corrosion, but the annual consumption of natural gas is quite large. In August this year, the brigade Pu a sewage station sewage treatment system of natural gas closed after the process of technological innovation disabled and disabled, from the end of the natural gas sealed process in the sewage treatment system for more than 20 years of historical mission, the daily saving of more than 2,000 square meters of natural gas, Powerfully supported the oil and gas production of our plant work, which will result in annual savings of 657,000 yuan.

In addition, the brigade Pu-sewage party members Zhang Ping Xiu and others developed rotary smashing mud pump anti-blocking device and the labyrinth rotary waterproof device in the sewage treatment process for sludge treatment and equipment management work has played a good application effect. According to expert review, the application of these two results, at least for the oilfield cost savings 224000 yuan.

Repair old waste tapping potential

In order to improve the efficiency of water injection and reduce production consumption, the waterflood brigade actively improves the cost of repair and replacement of old and used waste, in line with the principle of "can not throw, can not change, can not change, can not change" . November 8, Pu a United Station large tank into the Pu a sewage station into the big valve gate off, according to the routine, the valve should be replaced in time, but the cost of tension, the owners of Li Aimin actively organize the successful human resources The valve was repaired, saving 18,000 yuan of funds. Pu San sewage treatment station under the leadership of Wang Chunqing station, actively carry out repairs and recycling of waste work since October, from the old pile of waste repair DN400, DG25 gate 2, 5 butterfly valve, saving material costs more than 40,000 yuan . It is reported that since this year, waterflood brigade only repair old and waste work this one to save costs 490,000 yuan.

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