
The common principles of all types of pig feeding and management

Master the following common principles: 1. Prepare diets scientifically. The various nutrients required by the pig are supplied by the feed, and the nutrients contained in the various feeds are not the same in quantity and quantity. Therefore, the amount of nutrients required by the pig and the various feeds should be determined The type and amount of nutrients are scientifically matched with diets, and a variety of feeds are properly matched. Do not feed a single feed for a long period of time. 2, feeding in groups. In order to effectively use feeds and pens, increase labor productivity, and reduce production costs, group feeding should be conducted according to breed, sex, age, weight, strength, and eating speed to ensure normal growth and development of various types of pigs. However, adult boars and late gestation sows should be raised in a single circle. After grouping, after a period of feeding, the same size and body condition may not be the same in the same group, and should be adjusted in time to keep the weaker in the original circle and incorporate it into the other group. 3. Different herds adopt different feeding programs. In order to enable all types of pigs to grow normally, a reasonable feeding plan should be drawn up according to the physiological stage and body condition of each herd and the requirements for the product, according to the provisions of the feeding standards. 4, adhere to the "four set" to feed the pig. According to the living habits of pigs, a "four-order" life system should be established. That is: 1 regular feeding. The time and frequency of feeding the pigs every day should be fixed. This will not only make the pig's life regular, but also be conducive to the secretion of digestive juices, thus increasing pig appetite and feed utilization. 2 Quantitative feeding. The number of feedings should be mastered and must not be neglected. So as not to affect appetite, causing indigestion. Quantitative is not absolute and should be based on the climate, feed type, appetite, feces and other conditions. 3 constant temperature feeding. The temperature of feed and drinking water should be adjusted according to the change of temperature in different seasons. 4 qualitative feeding. That is to say, the ration of the diet should not change too much, the feed should be clean and fresh, and when the feed is changed, it must be gradually transformed. Otherwise, the pig will be indigestion or illness. The general change period is 1 week, ie within 1 week, the feed is gradually reduced or gradually increased. 5, reasonable modulation of feed. According to the nature of the feed, appropriate modulation methods should be adopted. In addition to chopping and fresh feeding, green feed can also be prepared into silage or hay feeding; coarse feed is usually crushed, soaked, fermented and other modulation methods; various kinds of concentrated feed Seeds are fed by comminution. However, raw beans need cooking or roasting to eliminate the anti-trypsin factor and bean odor before they can be fed to pigs; in addition, seed cakes, rapeseed cake should be fed before detoxification before feeding. 6. Improve the feeding method. Different feeding methods have a certain effect on feed utilization and carcass quality. The fattening pigs gain weight quickly, but the carcass is short and fat. The limited feeding will reduce the daily weight gain, but it can improve the feed utilization rate and lean meat percentage. The raw feed should be popularized to feed pigs. Generally, pigs should be fed with wet mixes, thick porridge or raw dry powder, and should be actively developed and fed with pellet feed. 7, provide enough water. Water plays an important role in digestion, absorption, transportation, body temperature regulation, lactation, and other physiological functions. For this reason, adequate and clean drinking water must be supplied every day. Pigs need more water in summer and less water in winter; more water is needed to feed dry powder, and less water is needed to feed thick materials. Each kilogram of water consumed 1.90-2.50 kilograms of water for each kilogram of dry feed. When the weather is hot in summer, 4 kilograms of dry feed is needed for each feed. 8, to strengthen the pig's care. Low temperatures can cause pig energy consumption, and high temperatures can affect pigs' appetite. Therefore, all kinds of piggery should be kept cold and warm in winter, and summer should be taken care of for cooling. Excessive captive density results in reduced weight gain and feed utilization. Training pigs develop the habit of excreting, feeding, sleeping, and approaching people at a fixed location, which helps improve the efficiency of management work. Epidemic prevention hygiene is a regular task in management. It is necessary to keep the cleanliness of the pens regularly, and to conduct regular disinfection, epidemic prevention and deworming.

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