
Water hammer pump installation method

Select the water resources, water flow, and there is a certain drop (1.5m above) of the stream, outside the dam or canal as a water hammer installation. The pump must be installed on a sturdy concrete foundation, bolted firmly, and a dam must be built in front of the pump drain valve. A sump of considerable capacity and height is built at the top of the pump and connected to the pump by the inlet pipe The length of the water pipe should be 8 times the drop, the pipe should be straight, not allowed to bend, water pipe head and tail to be anti-seismic pier. Pump outlet pipe to install the valve for operation, the outlet pipe must be higher than the highest point of the pressure tank, and try to reduce the elbow, in order to avoid increased resistance and reduce flow. Pump and the pipe joints should not leak. Wherever conditions permit, a reservoir can also be built on the outlet pipe.

Control Valve

Gate Valve,Solenoid Valve,Ball Valve ,Control Valve

Ball valve,Butterfly valve Co., Ltd. , http://www.nbbvalves.com

