
Men's clothing, how to fit fit?

For men, the fit is often one of the key points in choosing a garment. Fit clothing will appear spirit, neat, trust; the other hand, even if you are an elite, charm has cut points. Therefore, the basic point of men's dress, you should wear fit clothing, because it is not only about your image, and even about your career and evaluation, as well as love.

First look at a combination of positive and negative textbook:

Not difficult to see, fit the clothes are down the body lines, not too tight, like everyone's body shape to customize the general, neat. Uncomfortable clothing is often very loose, decadent sense, such as too many folds of shirts, like a very square box jacket, pants and so on too long. If you want to avoid the phenomenon of not fit, have to seize the following 9 key points.

9 fit the key points


1, shoulder width

Men choose the shirt (shirt, T-shirt, jacket, etc.) The most important thing is the appropriate shoulder width, sleeve and shoulder seam line just fell on the shoulder joint. Observe the shoulder line, in order to fully play out the neat lines outline.

Not fit model: too big shoulder

Shoulder is too large, that sleeve and shoulder seam line has been dropped to the shoulder, giving a very loose feeling. If the shoulder is too small, wrinkles appear behind the neck.

2, neckline

In general, the shirt collar should be about 2cm longer than the actual size, the most appropriate shirt collar should be deducted after the first button, but also the index finger, middle finger two fingers into the neckline.

Not fit model: collar is too big or too small

Shirts need special attention to the size of the collar, the collar is too large, wear it to the spiritless, and appears dirt; neckline is too small, the first button is difficult to buckle or unlock, not only wear strenuous, necks, and neck Department is very thick, very ugly.

3, hem

Shirt hem, just cover half of the buttocks. T-shirts, baseball jackets are to just cover the waist (pants) is better.

The length of the suit is just to cover the buttocks, short legs can be considered just cover the buttocks half.

Not fit: T-shirt over the hips

For T-shirts, a lot of 175 men will often buy a 190 casual dress, this long hem fit not uncommon. Cover the buttocks or revealing the shape of the belt are not fit, a kind of 90's kill Matt feelings.

4, Sleeve

Shirt sleeves are required to hang down the arm, cuffs at the wrist just the most ideal, or cuff just cover the wrist a little.

Suit sleeves to reveal 1 to 1.5 cm shirt cuffs better.

Not fit model: long sleeves

The average person's average sleeve length and height ratio of about 1: 3 or so, too long sleeves easy to make people feel loose and lazy, in particular, you do not need to sing opera sleeve.

5, sleeve fatness

Suit and shirt sleeve fat should be more fit the arm line, not pleat, nor will the arm in the sleeves rumble. Cuffs to pay attention to just fit the wrist, leaving a gap slightly appropriate.

Not fit model: hypertrophy sleeve

Large fat sleeves are particularly common in the country, some people choose suits prefer hypertrophy, in fact, this will make people feel decadent, but appears to be shorter arms.

6, tightness

Men's body lines more straight sets, so the body part like a shirt to concise straight line. There is no tension marks on the body, set aside some loose bit, but not too loose. When the hem into the pants, do not balloon as bulging.

Not fit: a shirt stacked on the waist

Most outstanding men's clothing is designed to show the sense of line and strength of men's shoulders and chest, and this phenomenon of shirt accumulation in the waist, will make you wonder if you have Xiaoduzi, or without finishing good clothing to go out?


7, loose degree

Legs loose to fit the leg line is appropriate, not significant folds, should not choose too loose, but also tight and small but also out of the buttocks contours, unsightly. At the same time, try to choose the effect of the mouth in a certain closing effect pants.

Not fit model: loose leg pants

Loose pants and cut the clever wide leg pants (it is recommended not to try) may be different, it will appear that the whole person is very procrastinate, not energetic, but also a short half-length.

8, waist

In the case of not wearing belts, pants should also be able to ride on the hip. Slightly formal sense of pants style, waist just fall on the navel point is the most suitable.

Jeans waist to see the individual on the normal, middle and low waist choice, the waist reserved about two fingers loose, can move freely, but not too loose.

Not fit model: loose waist

According to statistics, one-third of the world's men wear pants waistline is too large, squeezed out a pile of folds. This will require tight belts, very natural.

9, long pants

Pants of all pants can just cover the length of the upper to the best length, hit the tongue or a part of the lace, and do not have wrinkles.

Not fit model: long pants

Excessive cuffs create excessive folds between your shoes and pants, causing some bulging effects that cause the overall center of gravity to shift downward, looking upright.

Finally comes with a small tip:

Most clothing stores are provided free of charge, if it is online shopping, may wish to find a reliable shop or tailor change to be more suitable for your body type, should be noted that:

1. Do not modify the shoulder, because this part of a lead to launch the whole body.

2. The length of the garment can not be lengthened, but the length of the garment can be shortened to a certain extent (can not be changed too much, otherwise it will look strange in the pocket position).

3. In a certain range, the sleeve can be longer / shorter, waist can be enlarged / smaller (pants and shirt can be), pants length can be longer / shorter.

4. suit recommendations choose custom, because after all, changes to a large extent hurt the integrity and structural suit.

5. Please spend a little money to invest in a pair of nice shoes. Because generally when someone else sees your clothes are well worn, the next one will naturally look at your shoes, do not fall short.

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