
2012 China's water treatment equipment industry three major issues

First, the product market access system is not perfect. As the entire environmental protection industry in our country started relatively late, so far no effective water treatment equipment management system has been established in both theory and practice. In particular, enterprises engaged in the production of water treatment equipment are scattered in various industrial sectors at the national and local levels. A clear department unified management, product market access system is not perfect, low industry threshold led to the entire industry mixed fish head, do not have the conditions for the existence of a large number of handbags. CCTV had exposed a sewage treatment plant in Gansu Province after a formal operation not long after the quality problems with the device, according to the original bidding information to find equipment manufacturers, enterprises have been found, resulting in a waste of funds did not achieve the purpose of pollution control . Second, the lack of product quality supervision. Due to the special nature of water treatment equipment, many manufacturers just processing parts, finished products need to use the site to assembly molding, quality inspection agencies for product quality inspection must also be carried out at the site of the equipment, but due to the division of functions of various departments, quality Supervision Bureau just good product quality factory for the use of the scene without the right to monitor the product, and the local environmental protection department just to monitor the operation of the entire project, the current project supervision does not include equipment supervision, it can be said that the quality of environmental protection equipment Supervision of basic or blank, did not form a scientific and effective quality supervision system, water treatment equipment, product quality supervision and management of long-term no clear authorities, the lack of effective management tools. Although certification of environmentally friendly products is also carried out at present, such certification is voluntary and there are no relevant supporting incentive policies. The certification of enterprises is not highly motivated. Therefore, at present, the development of the industry is mainly regulated by market behavior. However, some aspects of China's market mechanism are not standardized. This provides opportunities for some enterprises to monitor the regulatory loopholes, unfair market competition and some local protectionism Seriously affecting the investment efficiency of environmental protection and causing chaos in the market of environmental protection products, impeding the fair competition between enterprises and seriously restricting the sustainable development of the environmental protection industry. At this point, Kellett Water Treatment Equipment Company has been doing well, with the authority of the product quality certification for the future development of the business is also a surefire. Third, product development lags behind the standardization. For example, in the standard management of water treatment equipment, up to now has not yet established a complete and scientific standard system, the standard formulation is in a lag state, three kinds of industry standards in parallel, the MEP industry standards, industry standards of the Ministry of Housing and Urban, Machinery industry standards are involved in water treatment equipment, but each has its own standard-setting plan and technical institutions, there are some repeated development of standards, the standard application of wrangling and standard management chaos and so on, a large number of standard technical data and indicators directly or indirectly from abroad Standards, product samples, lack of scientific and technological research, the lack of experimental data validation results. Affect water conservancy construction water treatment will benefit Keliwute water treatment personnel said that by the "12th Five-Year" period the national investment in water conservancy construction scale 1.8 trillion yuan and hydropower auxiliary restructuring and a series of favorable effects, the valuation of water conservancy sector There is a lot of room for growth, the government's policy on water conservancy is strong, clear thinking, and water conservancy sector is in a rising channel. Currently the most optimistic about the construction of water conservancy projects. Large-scale development of hydropower and large-scale farmland water conservancy transformation will effectively stimulate this step into the rapidly developing highway. Ko Lan Water treatment staff said that "the State Council on the implementation of the most stringent water resources management system views" will save water and improve the water environment to an unprecedented historical height. With the increasing demand of enterprises and residents for reclaimed water, the demand for the construction of reclaimed water treatment facilities will also increase, which will promote the development of sewage treatment facilities construction enterprises.

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