
The production of pollution-free fruits must be carefully selected pesticides and fertilizers

The selection of pesticides and fertilizers to produce pollution-free fruit in strict accordance with the technical standards for pollution-free fruit production is the basic requirement for food safety, consumer health protection, and protection of the ecological environment in contemporary society. So how should we choose pesticides and fertilizers? It is prohibited to use pesticides such as methamidophos and parathion that are highly toxic, highly toxic, highly residue or have carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic effects. Arsenic preparations and pump preparations are strictly prohibited. Promoting the use of nicotine, allicin, rotenone and other plant-derived pesticides and natural enemies of parasitic predatory insects, insect pheromones, ecdysone and juvenile hormone, and animal-based pesticides such as BT biomimetic agents, Hovenomicin, Antibacterial agents. Choose new types of pesticides that are ultra-efficient and have high biological activity to minimize the use of pesticides. As far as possible, dosage forms with low environmental impact are selected to reduce pesticide residues. In general, granules have a small impact on the environment, and emulsions have a large impact on the environment. Mineral-sourced pesticides should be selected from the group consisting of lime sulfur, Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate and other copper preparations and sulfur preparations. Under normal circumstances, organic synthetic chemical pesticides (such as organophosphorus, organic chlorine, etc.) cannot be used. When production is necessary, chemical pesticides can be used to a limited extent, but they must be administered strictly in accordance with the procedures and methods of use. Strictly control the use of microbial preparations cultivated and produced using various genetic engineering techniques. Fertilizers are prohibited from using chemical fertilizers containing chloride or nitrate nitrogen. Adhere to the main organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizers, reduce fertilizer use, limited use of ammonium bicarbonate, diammonium phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, superphosphate, ternary compound fertilizer and other chemical fertilizers. Vigorously promote the use of top-dressing and plant green manure (if the grass is planted between gardens), use organic fertilizers such as cake fertilizer, compost, manure, manure, crop straw, and humic acid that are not chemically contaminated, as well as various microbial fertilizers such as nitrogen-fixing fertilizers, Biological potassium fertilizer, photosynthetic fertilizer, soil phosphorus activator and so on. Each time the combined fertilization is used to fill enough water, the irrigation water must be uncontaminated well water and river water. It is forbidden to use plant wastes and organic fertilizers accumulated from municipal waste.

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