
Seed selection and selection


At present, most of the “three elections” work is used in production practice, namely, egg selection, seedling selection, and seed selection.

Egg selection means strict selection of eggs. Due to the high heritability of egg weight, it directly affects the fertilization rate, hatching rate, birth weight and growth and development. Genetics and production practices have also shown that in the same species, too many eggs tend to have low fertility rates, while hatchlings that hatch from too small eggs tend to have poor viability, so the average medium egg should be selected according to the principle of selection. It is used as an egg. Of course, for meat bred species, large egg systems should be cultivated as a male parent. In addition, attention should be paid to the color of the eggshell surface, plaque, and spot shape characteristics.

The selection of seedlings is to select the first-time chicks. The first-time-startlings should have a live weight of 68% to 70% of the weight of the eggs. All low-weight chicks should be removed. The percentage of hatchlings with high hatching rates is also high. In addition, the hairiness is neat, plump and shiny, the navel is well-healed, the abdomen is soft, and the villi on the anus are pollution-free, lively, with strong legs and no deformities.

The method of selecting the pass is to observe the appearance with the naked eye and at the same time identify with the touch of the hand. The species's feathers cover complete and compact, dark and shiny luster, weigh up to standard, have strong physique, big head, deep and shiny pods, good fit, normal claw extension, sharp claws and great eyes. Obvious male characteristics, screaming sorghum loud, well-developed cloacal glands, can extrude foamy secretions, a sign of sexual maturity, strong mating. The female species has complete feathers, clear colors, small heads and handsome eyes, bright eyes, slender necks, and well-balanced postures. The distance between the pubic bone and the end of the sternum is wide and the body weight is up to standard.


Homogeneous and heterogeneous options are available. The proportion of breeding of each species type is generally 1:2 to 1:3; when artificially assisted in mating, it can reach 1:16, that is, 4 (2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon) and 1 in every 4 days. The proportion of breeding is related to the season and age, and the ratio of breeding can be increased or decreased appropriately. The insemination rate of breeding eggs is used as the inspection standard. In order to ensure the fertilization rate and maintain the youthfulness of the public, when the conditions permit, all the original mating public funds will be replaced every three months.

Name:Hollow Pullulan Capsule

Major components:Pullulan and purified water

Character:The product is cylindrical and is made of two hard and elastic empty sacs made up of two sets of cap and body. The bag is smooth, uniform in color, smooth in incision, free of deformation, non-toxic and harmless, and is no odor

Pullulan: It is a natural extracts involving no toxic chemicals and edible, bland and tasteless organic.The chief commercial use of pullulan is in the manufacture of edible films.It is known by the E number E1204,as a food additive.

Function: Used for containing solid drugs. Isolation of herbs


Store:Keep in a cool, dry, airtight place

Manufacturing:Zhejiang Honghui Capsule Co.,Ltd

Add:Qingshan industrial area, Xinchang County, Zhejiang Province(Chengguan Town, Quanqin)

Size 1 Pullulan Empty Capsules

Empty Gel Capsules,Hard Gelatin Capsules Shell,Gelatin Hard Capsule Shell,Empty Capsules Hard Gelatin Shell

Zhejiang Honghui Capsule Co.,Ltd , https://www.hhcapsule.com

