
China IC 14 nm chip breakthrough

Ministry of Science and Technology said on the 23rd that a number of major achievements made by the state science and technology major achievements of integrated circuits made a number of important achievements. China made breakthroughs in the research and development of 14 nanometer leading technologies for integrated circuit manufacturing and successfully built an innovation system for integrated circuit manufacturing to lead and support the rapid rise of China's integrated circuit industry , The international competitiveness has been greatly enhanced.

Integrated circuits, that is, chip, known as the foundation of the electronic information industry. However, over the next few years, the high-end equipment and materials for China's chip industry are basically in a blank position and are totally dependent on imports and the industry chain is seriously missing. In order to realize the independent innovation and development, the National Science and Technology Major Project (special project) of "Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Equipment and Complete Technology" started its implementation in 2008. The overall overall goal is to carry out integrated circuit manufacturing equipment, complete sets of technology and materials technology research, master the core technology, the development of key products.

Ministry of Science and Technology said on the 23rd that since the special implementation, a total of more than 200 enterprises and institutions, more than 20,000 scientific researchers involved in technological research, China's IC manufacturing technology to achieve "from scratch", "weak weakening" strong Variety. Ye Tichun, director of the Special Technology Division and Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that China's IC manufacturing technology system and industrial ecology have been established and improved: "Before 2008, the most advanced mass production process of integrated circuits in China was 130nm , Research and development of the technology level of 90 nanometers, the special implementation of the present, the mainstream technology level improved by 5 generations, 55,40,28 nm three generations of complete sets of technology research and development success, and mass production, 22,14 nm pilot technology breakthrough made to form The independent intellectual property rights, the smart phones manufactured by these processes, smart cards and other communications products began mass market access, which greatly improved the competitiveness of China's information industry.

It is understood that the special has been in the 14-nanometer chip equipment, technology, packaging, materials and other aspects of the system deployment, is expected to 2018 will be fully into the industrialization. Ye Tianchun said that after 9 years of research, China has successfully developed more than 30 kinds of high-end equipment, such as 14nm etching machines and thin film depositions, as well as hundreds of materials such as polishing materials and polishing materials. The performance has reached the international advanced level and passed the large Strict examination of the production line, began mass application and export to overseas. Ye Tianchun said that IC manufacturing technology represents the highest level of microfabrication in the world today. China now possesses the capability of making advanced countries in integrated circuits. "For example, the diameter of our hair wire is about 50 to 100 microns in diameter. For example, we The 28 nm now mentioned is roughly one in 3,000 of the hair, and one is the concept of scale, taking a look at the fingernails of everybody, on which to make billions of transistors. "

The integrated circuit industry is a strategic industry that affects the comprehensive competitiveness of the country's economy, politics and national defense. Its technological level and industrial scale have become important indicators of a country's industrial competitiveness and overall national strength. Zhang Beixu, director of Beijing Economic Commission, led by the special lead implementation unit, said that the special project will focus on the needs of upgrading traditional industries and the development of strategic emerging industries and will promote the large-scale application of innovation achievements. "In 2020, the project will further focus on mobile communications , Big data, new energy, smart manufacturing, Internet of Things and other key areas of bulk product manufacturing needs of the coordination of technology, equipment and key layout of the material to promote the industrialization of the special results of large-scale applications to promote the improvement of industrial ecology and technological upgrading, Achieve the goal of technology to promote industrial development. "

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