
How to prevent wheat whole rot disease

Whole wheat rot disease is a devastating disease. The disease has occurred in the wheat fields of northern Henan and western Henan, and the area of ​​disease has continued to expand. After the occurrence of this disease, it spreads rapidly. It usually takes only 3 years for sporadic disease to die in a piece of land. The incidence of land mass usually decreases by 10% to 20%, and severe disease areas reduce production by more than 50% or even close.

Total erosion is a root disease. After the onset of disease, the roots and underground stems of the plants became dark and surface decayed during the seedling stage; the old leaves at the base of the plants turned yellow before and after the tillering, the tillers decreased, and the growth weakened; the roots and stem bases of the plants became stagnant after jointing and the plants were dwarfed; the stem bases became black at the heading stage The rot is getting worse. As the roots and stalks rot, the plants will soon begin to form "white spikes" with false spikes or grains.

Full-bleeding disease is a fungal disease. The pathogenic bacteria are saprophytic or dormant on the remnants of the diseased plants in the soil. Wheat can be infected from the seedling stage to the heading stage, but the seedling stage is most susceptible to infection, resulting in losses. It is also the heaviest. Prevention and control of the whole eclipse should be carried out in categories, and the initial zone should adopt extermination measures. The old zone must adopt comprehensive prevention and treatment measures based on agricultural measures and supplemented by chemical control.

Rational rotation: There is a rice-wheat rotation in areas where water sources are available, and non-host crops such as cotton, sweet potatoes, tobacco, etc. can be planted in dry land to reduce the disease.

Chemical control: When sown with triadimefon, seed dressing with 0.03% of the effective amount of seeds can effectively control the occurrence of full-blown disease. In the jointing stage of wheat with 15% triadimefon WP 150-200 g per mu or 20% Triadimefon EC 100-150 ml per mu, add water to 50-60 kg per field water, control efficiency can reach more than 60%.

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