
A novel low-power on-chip photodiode solution

On-chip nonreciprocal optical devices have always been a difficult point in integrated optical communication systems. They are characterized by the fact that light is transmitted from the positive side and the reverse transmission is terminated, as is the nature of the diodes inside the electronics, and is therefore widely used in some lasers The protection circuit is medium. At present, most of the integrated methods used in the world are realized by growing magneto-optical materials on a silicon on insulator (SOI) chip. However, this method is incompatible with the traditional CMOS process and needs the help of external magnetic fields. Many disadvantages make it unsuitable for the future development of integrated chips with low energy consumption, low cost and high integration. In 2012, Minghao Qi's group at Purdue University proposed a scheme to realize the non-reciprocal "photodiode" by using the thermo-optic effect in the passive asymmetric microring resonator, followed by many related work successively. In 2015, Prof. Dong Jianji's research group proposed a CMOS-compatible circulator scheme by using the thermo-optic effect inside the microring resonator. However, due to the low thermal coefficient in the silicon waveguide, the requirement for the input optical power of the device High, high energy consumption. Therefore, it is an urgent problem to look for an on-chip non-reciprocal device with simple process, compatibility with CMOS technology, low cost, high integration and low energy consumption.

Professor Zhang Xinliang, Professor Dong Jianji and Qiu Huaking of Optoelectronic Devices and Integrated Functional Laboratory of Wuhan Optoelectronics National Laboratory proposed a non-reciprocal scheme based on the optical mechanical effect of asymmetric microring on the silicon substrate. The program continues Professor Dong Jianji Group task force before the toroid process is simple, compatible with the CMOS process, low cost, high integration and other advantages, but also because of the optical mechanical effect compared to the thermo-optic effect of a greater nonlinear redshift Greatly reducing the energy consumption of the device. Compared with the non-reciprocity caused by the thermo-optic effect, the efficiency is improved experimentally by nearly 10 times, which greatly reduces the requirement on the optical power.

On April 7, 2017, the research report "Energy-efficient on-chip optical diode based on the optomechanical effect" (25.8 (2017)) was published online at OSA's Optics Express. ): 8975-8985). The research results have been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61622502,), the full text of published articles links as follows:

(A) Device schematic (b) Device cross-sectional view (c) Top view of the device (d) Theoretical forward and reverse optical transmission of the spectrogram

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