
Chinese scientists developed a porous graphene electrode: high-capacity rapid charge and discharge

Many products in our daily life are inseparable from the cell phone, the computer and the electric car, but the charging speed and the use time of the battery are always criticized. Now, the Chinese scientists at UCLA, Duan Defeng and Huang Yu, developed a porous graphene composite electrode, which takes us one step closer to the "holy grail" of the battery, which is both fast and long-lasting.

Duan Defeng professor told reporters that the charging speed depends on the power density, the length of time by the energy density, but for most of the current battery, increasing the power density and increasing the energy density are usually in conflict with each other. The porous graphene three-dimensional frame structure, the surface uniform growth of nano-particles of niobium pentoxide composite electrode, provides a can simultaneously achieve two goals of the program.

"For a cell phone battery that needs an hour of battery charge, it is possible to reduce the charging time to 10 minutes using this electrode without any significant reduction in battery capacity," said Duan Lifeng.

Lithium-ion battery is the most mainstream battery type, but its energy density and other performance is considered close to the limit. For more than a decade, much research in academia has focused on new electrode materials, especially nanostructured electrode materials. These materials can output very high energy or fast charge in experiments, but have not been able to achieve their ideal performance in commercial devices.

Duan Xian Feng explained that the battery is positive and negative separated by the diaphragm, and poured into the electrolyte structure, charge and discharge is that ions and electrons in the two electrodes in the transfer. Positive and negative metal film, the film coated with (load) active energy storage materials. The new energetic materials in the research phase generally achieve their excellent performance only in ultra-thin electrodes with very low load. As the thickness of the material increases, the resistance of the ion diffusion also increases remarkably, resulting in the drastic decrease of material properties. Therefore, in commercial devices Their performance rarely exceeds that of existing lithium-ion batteries to a great extent.

Graphene is a two-dimensional crystal that is peeled off from a graphite material and consists of carbon atoms and has a single-atom thickness and excellent electrical conductivity. In this study, the use of three-dimensional porous graphene structure, not only to maintain good electron transport properties, the size of the nano-holes on it also promoted the rapid transfer of ions, which successfully resolved the electrode performance as the load dropped sharply key problem.

Researchers to niobium pentoxide electrode material for the experimental object, through the regulation of three-dimensional porous graphene framework for the first time in a high load electrode successfully achieved a high capacity and ultra-fast charge-discharge combination.

Duanfeng Feng said: "Using a similar principle, we are three-dimensional porous graphene and high-capacity nano-materials, such as nano-silicon, sulfur, etc., if successful implementation is expected to achieve 3-5 times more battery capacity to improve, Increase phone standby time or the distance traveled by an electric car. "

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