
Air heat pump hot water unit technical common sense

People are familiar with the "pump" is a bit of energy to improve the mechanical equipment, such as water pump is mainly to raise the water level or increase water pressure, and "heat pump" is a natural air, water or soil to obtain low heat, It is a kind of energy-saving, environment-friendly and clean heating and hot water equipment which can produce the high-quality hot equipment which can be used by people. The heat pump technology is a new energy technology that has drawn worldwide attention in recent years.

How to understand "heat pump"?

For a simple example, a car can transport several tons of cargo from one place to another with only a few liters of gasoline. The heat pump can absorb heat from nature through the heat pump's "handling" (electric power-driven heat pump) Production, life of heat.

There are several heat pump?

According to different heat source, heat pump can be divided into air source heat pump, water source heat pump and ground source heat pump.

Is the heat pump water heater solar products?

Broadly speaking, but the heat pump and conventional solar energy products are essentially different, mainly reflected in the different working principle: Conventional solar products must rely on direct sunlight or radiation to achieve the heating effect, and heat pump The unit mainly absorbs the heat in the environment to achieve the heating effect.

Heat pump unit according to what principle to heat?

Heat pump unit equipment set a heat-absorbing medium - refrigerant, which liquefied state below minus 20 ℃, and the temperature difference exists with the outside world, therefore, the refrigerant can absorb the heat of the outside world, evaporation evaporation in the evaporator, Through the work of the compressor in the heat pump unit, the temperature of the refrigerant is increased, and then the refrigerant is transformed from the vaporized state to the liquefied state through the condenser. In the conversion process, a large amount of heat is released and transferred to the reserved water in the water tank, High, to achieve the purpose of heating water, which is unique to the product, but also the reason for the market potential.

Heat pump unit has a heat exchanger, then it must be run at run time?

However, electricity is only used to drive heat pumps to absorb heat from the environment and release heat to heat hot water instead of directly heating the water as conventional electric water heaters do.

What are the advantages of heat pump compared with other heating methods?

Heat pump heat is mainly reflected in: efficient, energy saving, environmental protection, safety. No flammable, explosive gas, no electrical components to promote absolute safety; without any exhaust gas, waste water, waste emissions, absolute environmental protection, heat pump unit annual average operating costs only electric direct heating 1/4, fuel, gas heating 1 / 3 ~ 1/2, 1 / 1.5 of conventional solar energy.

The first investment and recovery cycle how?

However, due to its special energy-saving effect, the cost of heat pump will be recovered within one and a half years through energy-saving mode. The general service life of other heating methods such as boilers is only five years. The heat pump unit life of up to fifteen years.

Air heat pump unit how much power consumption?

Tianshu air heat pump unit thermal efficiency is generally 300% -500% to 40 ℃ temperature calculation, the production of a ton of hot water consumption of about 9-15 degrees. The ordinary electric heating method requires 52 degrees power consumption.

Air to heat pump hot water unit use and operation is simple?

The use of very simple, the entire unit intelligent automation control system, users only need to open the power when first used, fully automated operation in the future use of the user to reach the specified water temperature automatically shut down when the user specified water temperature lower than the system itself Boot operation, fully realized hot water 24 hours a day without waiting.

Winter low temperature, heat pump unit is functioning?

Of course, Tianshu air to heat pump hot water unit with intelligent frost function to ensure that the unit stable operation in low temperature environment, it can be based on outdoor temperature, evaporator fin temperature and the unit running time and other parameters of a comprehensive, intelligent Judge automatically enter and exit the box.

Compared with conventional solar energy, air heat pump unit What are the advantages?

The advantage is obvious, mainly in four aspects:

From the investment side: If the same water supply effect is achieved, the funds invested in heat pump hot water units are less than those of conventional solar energy products, and economic electricity can be used to reserve hot water when electricity is low.

From the use of: conventional solar products affected by the weather significantly, rainy days, snow days, night can not work, and heat pump hot water unit regardless of the cloudy, rainy days, snowy days, nights or sunshine can work as usual, available 24/7 Hot water.

From the operating costs, conventional solar energy in the direct sunlight, almost zero-cost operation, but unfortunately in the rainy day or night can only rely on auxiliary systems work, statistics show that normal use, the conventional solar energy auxiliary system annual energy consumption than heat pump Unit total energy consumption throughout the year to be high.

Other features: heat pump unit is not subject to location restrictions, can be placed anywhere, and covers a small space, and conventional solar energy to achieve the same heating effect requires a lot of space, must be placed outdoors; heat pump unit In the hot water can produce air-conditioning, can be used for dehumidification, cooling and air filtration and other auxiliary functions.

Do you need to fill the refrigerant often?

Not needed Air heat pump unit is the same as the refrigerator seal, the user has been delivered in accordance with the quantitative filling a good refrigerant, users do not need to self-filling process.

Why heat pump hot water unit or gas water heater more effective?

The general heating method is to directly use energy to heat water, electric water heater energy efficiency of about 95%, natural gas is about 75%, while the heat pump unit is driven by electric energy compressor, rather than directly for heating water, The heat actually comes from the environment.

Why absorb heat from the environment will make the heat pump more efficient?

Heat pump unit with 1 electric energy can draw 2-3 free heat from the environment, and then use these heat to heat water, consume 1 electric energy is also used to heat hot water, so the final thermal efficiency can reach 300% -500%.

Need to provide the engine room?

Not required, heat pump unit can be placed anywhere you specify, without affecting the aesthetics of the building, with little space, no direct light, installation is very easy, can be placed in the open, can also be placed in an unobtrusive corner or basement In, and can achieve unmanned operation, automatic temperature control water supply.

Heat pump units can be used for what places?

The heat pump unit has a wide range of applications. There are various types of commercial machines designed for guesthouses, hotels, schools, hospitals, saunas, beauty salons, swimming pools, laundries, mining and other industries, as well as various models designed specifically for families Of the domestic machine, but also free access to air-conditioning, heating can be achieved throughout the year.

If you use more than one heat pump, one of the problems that affect the entire system?

Does not affect. Tianshu air heat pump unit has a modular function, the use of grid-connected operation, each heat pump unit can be individually controlled, even if one of the problems, the maintenance does not affect the normal operation of other units.

Heat pump unit can make use of trough price?

Yes, but it is automatically controlled. Tianshu air heat pump unit in the design according to the user with the amount of hot water configured corresponding insulation tank, insulation tank has a good insulation effect, while the air heat pump unit has a regular start and stop function, which can be made in the trough price Hot water stored in the insulation tank.

How to match each type of heat pump tank?

Due to the heat pump unit output load is relatively small, slow hot water production, heat pump unit is ready to use hot water at any time, instead of hot water only when the water is produced, the water tank is designed according to the user's daily water volume, design capacity is large enough, 24-hour continuous water supply can be achieved.

Heat pump is running stable?

The operation is very stable and reliable. The air heat pump is specially designed with high and low pressure protection, winter frost protection, exhaust temperature over-protection, water temperature over-temperature protection, insufficient water temperature difference protection, water flow switch protection and compressor operation and shutdown delay protection.

What are the characteristics of household heat pump water heater?

Air heat pump hot water unit has a variety of household machine models, it is designed for high-income families in the new high efficiency, safety, environmental protection, the use of superior performance of the family of central water heaters, the main features are: Pressure tank design: Water pressure enough, hot and cold water pressure balance automatically; Split design: installation is very convenient; microcomputer control, automatic operation; water tank host any combination to meet individual needs.

Household heat pump water heater tank how to choose?

Heat pump water heater tank according to the user's actual water consumption a day to determine the user acceptable conditions, the user is advised to use freshman models of water tanks, the general family: 1-2 people, with 150 or 200L water tank (100L / person); 3 -4 people, with 200 or 2 × 150L water tank (80L / person); 5-6 people, with 300 or 2 × 200L water tank (70L / person).

What are the advantages of heat pump products compared to boilers?

High thermal efficiency: the thermal efficiency of the product average more than 300% throughout the year, while the thermal efficiency of the boiler will not exceed 100%.

Low operating costs: Compared with fuel and gas boilers, the average annual energy saving of 70%, coupled with lower electricity prices and fuel prices, the advantages of low operating costs have become increasingly prominent.

Environmental protection: heat pump products without any emissions, the refrigerant used in environmental protection refrigerant R417A, zero pollution of the ozone layer, is a better environment-friendly products.

Safe operation, no need to watch: Compared with the fuel boiler, the operation is absolutely safe, and fully automatic control, without personnel duty, saving staff costs.

Modular installation, easy to add equipment: Products using multiple units parallel installation mode, when the user increased water consumption, ready to add equipment.

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