
Reasons for Diesel Fuel Injection Pump Plunger and Elimination

Fuel injection plunger plunger, it will affect the normal work of the governor, easily lead to the engine speed, if not handled properly, it will cause serious accidents.

1, plunger bending. As the spool vice even in the transport and custody of the assembly and do not pay attention, causing a slight bending of the plunger, the phenomenon of card-issuing work, such a situation should be promptly replaced.

2, plunger touch wool strain. As the plunger assembly is not cleaned, or impurities into the plunger pair, the assembly does not pay attention to the plunger touch wool strain, resulting in the plunger card. Therefore, the assembly should be carefully installed, do not bump the plunger, and the plunger pair of parts cleaned to prevent impurities into the plunger pair.

3, sleeve set screw is too long. If the plunger sleeve is too long set screw or forget the washer when the set screw is installed, will be dead sleeve, so that sleeve offset, resulting in the plunger card. If the positioning screw is too long, the appropriate amount of file short, do not forget to install the washer washer when positioning the screw.

4, uneven pump base. As the pump body mounted plunger sleeve shoulder uneven base or dirt, affecting the assembly accuracy of the sleeve, the pump plunger assembly skew, resulting in the issuance of the plunger. Check the uneven pump method is to pull the fuel pump from the body, connected to the low-pressure oil circuit and open the fuel tank switch, so that the pump body is full of diesel, and the fuel pump external wipe clean. Found at the wheel at the oil, indicating uneven pump base, resulting in diesel seepage, available an old plunger sleeve, coated with abrasive sand at the shoulder, into the pump body, kept rotating and knocking the sleeve Grind, flatten and refill and check for leaks.

5, the new plunger pair storage time is too long. The new plunger pair is too long to store, easy to cause oil loss and oxidation reaction, so that the plunger rusty, unwashed assembly, resulting in the work of the plunger card. In this case, the piston must be immersed in kerosene or diesel oil for a period of time, and then rotate and repeatedly tamp the plunger to grind each other until the plunger pair is flexible and carefully cleaned before assembly.

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